Widening the Cycle:

A Menstrual Cycle & Reproductive Justice Art Show

Diana álvarez

Red titled works will be at Boston show

I think of my art as an exploration of the under-layers of women’s experiences, the intimate innerscapes that can only be expressed in the visual language of symbol. My work, primarily done in watercolour, ink and collage, and often including lines of my writing, is vibrant, half-wild, illustrative and poetic. It is rooted deeply in the natural landscape of the Caribbean, and connects personal, everyday experiences with the divine, and with myth and memory.


The writer Gloria Andalzua says “I want the freedom to carve and chisel my own face, to staunch the bleeding with ashes, to fashion my own gods out of my entrails.” Through my paintings, I am building my own map of myth and memory, my own god(desses), new ways of understanding myself as a young Caribbean woman of colour.


I believe that my work relates to this call for art in its intimacy and focus on the complexity of personal experience, particularly as it relates to how we experience our own (female) bodies.

Contact us: info@wideningthecycle.com

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